Welcome to our breathwork circles once a month in The Hague. If you are English speaking we are able to speak bi-langual during the breathwork circle.
Breathwork is a powerfull modality, to release, feel and heal your body, mind and soul connection.
Upcoming Breathwork workshop circles in The Hague:
24 januari, Friday evening start 19.15 o’clock. Sign up Klik hier , note activity and date.
14 february, Friday evening: Sign up Klik hier , note activity and date.
14 march, Friday evening start 19.15 o’clock. Sign up Klik hier , note activity and date.
11 april, Friday evening start 19.15 o’clock. Sign up Klik hier , note activity and date.
15 mai, Friday evening start 19.15 o’clock. Sign up Klik hier , note activity and date.
Free connected breathing brings you in another state of mind, a deep inner flow, a clearness and mostly a deep relaxation of body, mind and soul after the session.
Breathwork in a circle is very powerfull, because mostly a lot of life subjects are the same for a lot of people. We feel a deep connection and a great powerfull flow of life force. In de circle we are all equal. If you are interested in a Breathwork circle in The Hague, follow the link to Hipsy or send me a message.
There are some contra-indications, read them here in dutch: Contra indicaties algemeen Website